Impact and Sustainability

Helping towards the UN SDGs

In 2015, all United Nations Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which “provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.” With it came the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are goals for everyone to help improve health and education, reduce inequality, spur economic growth, tackle climate change, and preserve our oceans and forests.

MyTown’s focus and determination to a better world has helped it win the award for best ‘Impact & Sustainability’ at the 2021 Coliving Awards. Although MyTown supports all seventeen SDGs, MyTown’s core mission from 2012 aligns particularly with the following Sustainable Development Goals:

MyTown Quotes
Make Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive,
Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable
Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote
Well-Being For All At All Ages
Promote Sustained, Inclusive and Sustainable
Economic Growth, Full and Productive Employment
and Decent Work For All
Promote Sustained,
Inclusive and Sustainable
Economic Growth,
Full and Productive Employment
and Decent Work For All
MyTown Quotes

Part of the 15-Minute City

The 15-minute city is an urban planning concept rooted in community and environmental sustainability where
“all human needs are within reach by walking or bicycling for 15 minutes or less” (Urban Land Institute).

MyTown Quotes
All Human Needs
are within reach by
walking or bicycling
for 15 minutes or less
Increasing urbanization has made the cost of such city living unaffordable for young professionals, and has led to lower rates of independent living, more urban loneliness, lower quality of life, and more strain on existing infrastructure, health and wellness services, and the environment.

MyTown recognizes the need for better and sustainable accommodation options for Filipino young professionals that are affordable, dignified, close to places of work, and enable a complete and healthy lifestyle. Its portfolio of 18 buildings is built with this concept in mind. Not only are all MyTown projects adjacent to central business districts, but MyTown also provides a wide range of amenities and retail options unseen with other co-living developers.

MyTown’s tenants are provided with experiences and conveniences within reach, thereby truly providing a lifestyle that goes beyond accommodation alone.

MyTown Green

MyTown is committed to the highest governance standards with its engaged employees, regulatory compliance, and technological innovation.

MyTown fosters a safe, productive, and fun environment for its employees. Aside from mandatory labor obligations, employees are provided with unique perks, personal and professional development opportunities to encourage work-life integration. Management also ensures that MyTown’s vision, mission and values were put into practice for the entire organization to succeed.

MyTown Green
Has reduced
metric tons of CO2 since January 2014
through our solar panels and by avoiding
tenants’ daily commutes
encourage work-life integration. Management also ensures that MyTown’s vision, mission and values were put into practice for the entire organization to succeed.

MyTown ensures that all its properties are building and fire code compliant. This strong commitment to safety and security provides its employees and tenants with the confidence to work and reside at MyTown. Moreover, MyTown has worked with local insurers to be the first in the Philippines to introduce renters’ insurance for free to all its tenants, thereby giving them peace of mind in addition to a comfortable home to live, work and play in.

MyTown’s focus and determination to a better world has helped it win the award for best ‘Impact & Sustainability’ at the 2021 Coliving Awards. Although MyTown supports all seventeen SDGs, MyTown’s core mission from 2012 aligns particularly with the following Sustainable Development Goals:

MyTown consistently seeks to improve tenants’ experience during their stay through regular tenant surveys and sit-down interviews. In addition to improving its product and services, this feedback also improves productivity and efficiency in in its business operations. From cashless transactions and paperless billings to tenant notifications and event registrations, MyTown makes use of its mobile app on its day-to-day operations. The MyTown Mobile app is available on both Android and IOS.

MyTown Cares

Filipinos are known for their compassion and caring nature. This is evident in MyTown’s “Cares” initiatives. Whether it’s visiting nearby Makati barangays to give school supplies to kids, donation drives of essential goods to typhoon and natural calamity victims, organizing health and wellness activities for its tenants, or spearheading online and on-site bazaars to assist surrounding local businesses, MyTown promotes a sense of community amongst its employees and tenants.


Forming strategic partnerships not only increases business connections but also creates an avenue to share industry best practices. These include MyTown’s international partnerships with:

  • Coliving Insights: MyTown is a Think Tank Partner for Coliving Insights, and provides content, insights and more as a thought leader in the industry.
  • World Coliving Membership (WCM): MyTown is a founding member of the World Coliving Membership, which provides perks for tenants who stay at member operators across the world.


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